Grief Support Groups

Why Grief Support Groups

At Ryan’s Place we believe that grief is meant to be shared.  At every age there is power in realizing that you’re not alone.  Our support groups are filled with people who are struggling with death, just like you. 

“Others should come because they might not realize that others feel the same way, and they can make friends who get them.” 

 – 11 year old group member

Monday Night Program

 Ryan’s Place recognizes that children’s grief is unique, and that if left unaddressed grief can have a negative impact on children’s health and well-being.

Ryan’s Place provides biweekly peer support groups for children ages 3–18 who have experienced the death of a loved one. These groups are divided by developmental ages.

  • 3–5-year-olds
  • 1st-3rd Grade
  • 4th-5th Grade
  • Middle School
  • High School

We also offer adult support groups.  Our adult groups are divided by the nature of the relationship with person who died.

Children's Groups

Activities such as talking time, unstructured play time, art, music, physical activity and quiet times are all part of the healing process.

Teen's Groups

The opening of all sessions include an opportunity for sharing and then the group decides on the other activities for the evening.

Adult's Groups

  • Adults who’ve experienced the death of a child
  • Adults who’ve experienced the death of spouse/partner
  • Adults who’ve experienced a death due to suicide
  • Adults who’ve experienced a death of a relative or close friend

Spanish Groups

We now have a Spanish speaking group that meets at the same time as our English grief support groups. If you are interested in registering for our Spanish Speaking group please call our office at 574- 535-1000.

Suicide Bereavement Group

Surviving family members of death by suicide often suffer not only the trauma of losing a loved one, but may also find themselves at a higher risk of suicide and emotional problems. Ryan’s Place offers an adult peer support group to help these family members and friends to talk about their grief, pain and questions.

Contact us at (574) 535.1000 to schedule an appointment if you are interested in joining one of our support groups.

Need to Talk?

 We’re ready to help no matter what situation you’re in.